Coding tutorials for journalists and communicators

Tutorials show you how to use HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create websites and interactive data presentations.

Follow along with videos that provide step-by-step training.

Code Samples
Start with examples that are already coded for you and tweak to customize.
About CodeActually
CodeActually is a project developed by Cindy Royal as part of the Knight Journalism Fellowship at Stanford University. Royal has been teaching journalism students Web design and data skills for more than a decade. She was one of the first academics to recognize the role of coding and data to telling interactive stories and has been working on introducing these concepts across journalism curriculum. She spent the 2013-2014 year at Stanford observing the ways that programming is taught in computer science and isolating the Web development skills that journalists need. The CodeActually platform provides the basics of programming delivered with journalistic examples, context and support.
This project is inspired by the excellent interactive data journalism work done by The New York Times, ProPublica, The Texas Tribune, WNYC, NPR and more. The goal is for more journalists to recognize the role of data in storytelling and to be able to apply these techniques.
CodeActually. You can code, actually.
Update September 2024: Coming Soon!!!I have long wanted to add tutorials that cover a JavaScript library or Framework. Coming soon, I will have several tutorials that cover the Vue.js framework, with applications that will be meaningful for communicators. Stay tuned!