
Introduction to Programming for Communicators

JavaScript is a scripting language commonly implemented as part of a web browser in order to create enhanced user interfaces and dynamic websites.

  • JavaScript is not the same as Java.
  • Can be run client side or server-side (Node.js – a JavaScript environment).
  • Foundation for code libraries like JQuery.

The following exercises will introduce you to a range of concepts using JavaScript. But these are common concepts used across many different programming languages.

For the first series of exercises, we’ll be practicing in Chrome’s console. This is an environment that let’s you run code and see the result. Later, we will be implementing JavaScript in html pages.

In Chrome, choose View, Developer, Developer Tools and click on the Console tab. Or ctrl-click on the screen and choose Inspect Element. You'll be able to copy and paste the code from this tutorial into the console. Line numbers in the scripts below will be ignored when you copy them.

Later, we’ll be using a text or html editor and a browser for some of the exercises.

Your First Program

Write the string “Hello World!” to the console.

console.log("Hello World!");

Don’t worry if you see “undefined” in the console after the code returns. The console is attempting to determine the type that the code returns, and in most cases in our exercises that is “undefined.”

Objects, Properties and Methods

For this exercise, we will mostly be using the console object to write code to the console.

console.log(“info goes here”);

Later we will use the document.write method to write to the html document. We do this by calling the document object and the write method. More on this later in the tutorial.

Basic JavaScript Syntax

  • End lines with semicolon ;
  • Put arguments/parameters in parentheses ( )
  • Period between object and method or property
  • Strings in quotation marks

Anything can be an object in JavaScript – any data type, as you will see as we progress through the exercises. Unlike other languages, you do not have to declare a type when instantiating a variable.

Some objects are built-in (i.e. document, window), some can be defined.

Data Types

String, Number, Boolean, Array, Object, Null, Undefined - programming languages have syntax and functions that work with a variety of data types.

We will mainly be concerned with strings and numbers, later adding booleans and arrays - each is described below.


Strings are simply text. They are represented in quotation marks. You can use strings on their own or in variables.


Length is a string property that returns the length of the string.

console.log("Hello World!".length);

This returns a number that is the length of that string, including the space. So in the example above, the length returned should be 12.


Use concatenation to join strings. The empty space between the quotation marks (" ") represents a space. The plus sign is the concatenation operator.

console.log("Hello" + " " + "Cindy!");

The console should return Hello Cindy!


Use variables to store numbers and strings. The var prefix is optional.

var name = "Cindy";
console.log("Hello" + " " + name);


var firstname = "Cindy";
var lastname = "Royal";
console.log("Hello " + firstname + " " + lastname);

Try the above examples using your own name in the variables. Did the console greet you properly? Notice in the last example that instead of concatenating a space " ", we simply added a space to the "Hello " string.

Math and Numbers

You can use numbers for a variety of operations in JavaScript.

Operators and Math

Try each of the following in the console.

console.log (3-4);
console.log (3*4);
console.log (3/4);

You should see the correct answers for the different operators for math functions. The “%” operator is the modulo that shows the remainder of division calculation. So in this case, if you divide 4 into 3, you get 0 with a remainder of 3 (and 3/4 = .75).


A substring identifies a portion of a string. I’m using these scripts to see what my JLo name would be, finding the first character of my first name and the first two characters of my last name.

var firstname = "Cindy";
var lastname = "Royal";
console.log(firstname.substring(0,1) + lastname.substring(0,2));


var first = "Cindy".substring(0,1);
var last = "Royal".substring(0,2);
console.log(first + last);

Notice that we used a combination of variables and the substring method in two different ways to achieve the same result. Often in programming, there are multiple ways to solve a problem.

Alerts, Confirms and Prompts

You use alerts, confirms and prompts to gain the attention of users via a dialog box.

Alert - a general warning


Confirm - answer yes or no before you can continue.

confirm("Are you sure?");

Prompt - answer anything - creates variable

var name = prompt("What is your name?");
console.log("Hello " + name);

Booleans and if statements

Use booleans to test if something is true or false. You can combine with an if/else statement to define different outcomes. Notice that the if statements actions are delineated with curly braces. You can also test for mathematical statements like greater than >, less than < or equal to ==.

var name="Jack";
console.log("Name has four letters in it");
else {
console.log("Name does not have four letters in it");

Try changing the name to a word with a different number of letters, i.e. name = "Cindy" and see what you get. Simply recopy the script and change the word in the "name" variable.


if(x>1) {
else {

Comparisons (= or ==)

A single equal sign (=) indicates assignment, usually used to assign a value to a variable. If you are doing a test for comparison, then you use 2 equal signs (==). We used the assignment and comparison operators in the examples above.

2+2==4; This would evaluate to "true"

var name="Cindy"; This is example of assignment
if(name=="Cindy") {...} This is example of comparison in an if statement


Functions allow you to define an operation and then use it later. Notice the statements in the function are enclosed in curly braces. Then we call the function using its name to execute it. There are two different ways to write a function.

function hello() {
var name = prompt("What is your name?");
console.log("Hello " + name);


var hello = function () {
var name = prompt("What is your name?");
console.log("Hello " + name);

You would use this approach if the function returned a value and you wanted to assign it to the variable.

Properties and Arguments

You can add properties in the parentheses of a function to pass information into it. When you call the function, you include an argument to stand in for the property.

var hello = function (a) {
console.log("Hello " + a);


function hello(a) {
console.log("Hello " + a);


Loops allow for iteration through a cycle. The while loop is a statement that defines initializer, condition and iterator to describe how the loop should operate.

var i=0;  // initializer
while (i<5) { //condition
console.log("I am writing this five times");
i++; // iterator

Using document.write()

Notice that the console doesn’t write the same line over 5 times. It shows a number after the statement. Change the console.log() statement to document.write(). You will see the result of the code in the window above the console. This writes the string to a document that will display in the browser.

var i=0; 
while (i<5) {
document.write("I am writing this five times");

This writes the string five times, but it doesn’t use a break to put each one on a different line. Modify the document.write line to include an html break, like this:

document.write("I am writing this five times <br />");

The for loop reduces some of the coding by having three statements in the parentheses, separated by a semicolon (;) - an initializer, a condition to test and an iterator.

for (var i=0; i<4; i++)
document.write("I am writing this 4 times<br />");
Or if you want to get fancy, you can add the iterator variable to the write statement to have a different number in each line.
for (var i=0; i<4; i++)
document.write("This is time " + i + "<br />");


Arrays allow you to store a collection of information in a variable and then access it via its index number. Index numbers start with 0. Enclose elements of an array in square brackets.

var favGroups = new Array("Old 97s", "Spoon", "Wilco");

or use the square bracket notation. Both work.

var favGroups = ["Old 97s", "Spoon", "Wilco"];

This accesses the item in the array in location 1. Notice that it isn’t the first item in the array. Arrays start with 0, so to access the first item use favGroups[0]. You can use a loop to iterate through an array. Concatenate a break so the items appear on a different line. Your condition uses the length property of an array to determine how many items are in it.

var i=0;
var favGroups = ["Old 97s", "Spoon", "Wilco"];
document.write(favGroups[i] + "<br />");

Notice how we can add html items as a string. In the example above, we concatenated the code for a break. We are beginning to integrate html and JavaScript for interactivity.


Objects are similar to arrays except they store items in key-value pairs rather than accessing them by their index number. Instead of using square brackets, you use curly braces for objects.

var bands;
bands = {
name: "Old 97s",
city: "Dallas",
genre: "alt-country"
document.write(bands.name + ", " + bands.city + ", " + bands.genre);

We can use an array in conjunction with an object to collect multiple objects. In this example, the variable "bands" is an array that holds multiple objects, each band's name, city and genre.

var bands; // initializes the bands variable
bands = [ // the bands array contains objects for each band
name: "Old 97s",
city: "Dallas",
genre: "alt-country"
name: "Spoon",
city: "Austin",
genre: "Indie Rock"
name: "Wilco",
city: "Chicago",
genre: "alt-country"
document.write(bands[1].name + ", " + bands[1].city + ", " + bands[1].genre); 

The example above finds the object at position [1]in the "bands" array.

And we can loop through an array of objects just like we did with a simple array. Your condition uses the length property of the array to determine how many items are in it.

var bands;
bands = [
name: "Old 97s",
city: "Dallas",
genre: "alt-country"
name: "Spoon",
city: "Austin",
genre: "Indie Rock"
name: "Wilco",
city: "Chicago",
genre: "alt-country"
for(var i=0; i<bands.length; i++) { // for loop uses length of bands array as iterator
document.write(bands[i].name + ", " + bands[i].city + ", " + bands[i].genre + "<br />"); 
// writes info from object at position [i] in bands array

The script above prints out the data from the object on each line. You will sometimes see data embedded in objects in JavaScript referred to as JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).


You may have noticed comments in some of the code examples. Developers use comments to leave notes in the code, provide instructions for other developers or to provide clues to certain techniques. It helps to organize code. Comments can also be used to temporarily remove and test code without having to delete it.

// This is a comment
/* This is a multi-line
comment */

Note: basic html comments are handled by <!-- -->. We'll see more of this as we start writing JavaScript within HTML pages.

Using JavaScript in an html document

Now is a good time to switch over to writing code to an HTML document. Open a text editor like Text Wrangler and use it to write the code. Save your files with .html extension (any name is fine, something like javascript.html). Open the html file that includes the JavaScript in the browser.

You will notice some sections look like regular HTML. When we want to add code, we do that within the script tag.

getElementById(); is a magical method that you can use to access parts of a Web page. The function below, when called, changes the innerHTML of the element with the id “first”. This is very powerful when combined with forms to ask a user for input to change something on a page.

Let’s properly structure the document to include the HTML5 doctype declaration, too.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My JavaScript</title>
<p>Hello <span id="first">Cindy</span></p>
function nameChange() { 	
  document.getElementById('first').innerHTML = 'Jon'; 

We will go into more detail with getElementById(); in the exercise.


An advanced use of JavaScript in an html document has to do with mouse events. An event is an interaction – onclick, onload, onmouseover, onmouseout.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My JavaScript</title>
<h1 onclick="this.innerHTML='Good work!'">Click on this text!</h1>

The “this” operator tells the code to operate on the current element.

In a function:

<!DOCTYPE html>
function changetext()
document.getElementById("new").innerHTML="You're a pro!";
<h1 id="new" onclick="changetext()">Click on this text!</h1>

In the above example, the "changetext" function is called when you click on the element with the id "new". You will use events combined with getElementById() to create interactivity on your site.

More advanced use of getElementById() with form

This form requests your name, then it stores that info in a variable and presents it in the message below on the page.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Fun With Forms</title>
<form  id="form1" action=" "/>
<p>Name: <input type="text" id="newname" /></p>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<p id="yourname">Please provide your name above.</p>
document.getElementById("form1").onsubmit=function() {
    var newName = document.forms["form1"]["newname"].value;
    document.getElementById("yourname").style.fontWeight = "bold";
    document.getElementById("yourname").innerHTML = "Hi " + newName + ". Welcome to the site.";
    return false; // required to not refresh the page

This code changes the innerHTML of the paragraph tag with the id "yourname" in the html document to the text from the form. It also makes it bold. We use the onsubmit event with the getElementById method to call the function. The function creates the variable "newName" that captures the information from the form. We’ll get more practice with JavaScript in the charting exercise. 

Using Javascript with an external script file

You can also organize your scripts in an external file (just like we do with CSS files). This allows you to reference them across files. This is helpful for storing functions. Reference your js file in the document with the script tag as below.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script.js"></script> 
<div id="helloMessage"> 


function writeMessage() {
document.getElementById("helloMessage").innerHTML = "Hello, world! from an external script";

Side Note

The document object is part of the Document Object Model (DOM). The DOM is an application programming interface (API) associated with the page that allows you to access and change things with JavaScript, as we did with getElementById(). There are other objects associated with the DOM. Some objects are browser objects (i.e. window). More on this here: http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/default.asp.

Objects can also have properties. Properties don’t have arguments (and therefore parentheses), but are used to return specific information about the object.


This returns the title of the document. You still need a method to tell the document what to do with the title.



Now you have a basic understanding of programming concepts. There are many ways to go from here. You can learn more about coding Web pages with HTML/CSS, so that you can integrate interactive concepts. Or you can move into the world of JQuery to learn how to take advantage of coding libraries.

In the next exercise, you will create an interactive chart with HTML, CSS and Javascript. You will get practice using these techniques in an actual example.